We support health and well-being of people and communities. This is why our staff and volunteers are always on the frontline of every health crisis, putting their own needs aside to help people with critical health needs to recover. In the midst of a pandemic, a polluted planet, increasing diseases like cancer, asthma, heart disease, High Blood Pressure, high blood sugar, on World Health Day 2022, we will focus our attention on urgent actions needed to keep humans and the planet healthy and foster a movement to create societies focused on well-being.

Who Are We

Liberia National Red Cross Society is a humanitarian organization focused on providing assistance to vulnerable people. The Liberia National Red Cross Society is a Voluntary Humanitarian Organization and an auxiliary to the Government, delivering services to the most vulnerable in emergencies, including disasters, conflict, civil strife, ill-health, and contextual social issues. 

Our Mission

To respond to the needs of vulnerable people affected by emergencies, disasters, ill-health, and contextual social issues at all times and to treat them with dignity and without discrimination.

What We Do

Full Background of the LNRCS

The Liberia National Red Cross Society is a Voluntary Humanitarian Organization and an auxiliary to the Government, delivering services to the most vulnerable in emergencies, including disasters, conflict, civil strife, ill-health, and contextual social issues. The birth of the Liberian Red Cross was influenced by global historical developments back in 1919 January at the end of World War I. The late President of Liberia, Daniel E. Howard, was moved with compassion by the degree of suffering occasioned by the war and constituted a Voluntary Relief Committee as an auxiliary to the Government to raise funds and assist the war victims.
In 1922, the National Legislature of Liberia passed a joint resolution to give the committee a legal status. The Legislature in its resolution reconstituted the voluntary relief committee into what is known today as the Liberia National Red Cross Society (LNRCS). LNRCS was also admitted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as a member of the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) and Red Crescent Societies in 1959. And later in August 2008 the Liberian Red Cross became recognized by an Act of law passed by the National Legislature.
The Liberian Red Cross as the first responder in times of emergency provides immediate relief and health services to mitigate the suffering of the vulnerable population. We are part of the solution in Liberia. With neutrality and impartiality, we offer hope and support. We act as a force for positive change in communities. We work to empower vulnerable people, reduce human suffering, promote peace, and building resilient communities everywhere for everyone. We are present in the 94 districts of the 15 counties with a strong volunteer network delivering quality services.
Our appreciation to the Government:
We have counted 98 years of existence in 2017. We have been visible in the communities with a strong impact which has made our presence relevant for which the community continues to welcome our presence and appreciate our activities since January 1919. We were first established as a Voluntary Relief committee with a restricted mandate but thankfully to the government, we were reconstituted, renamed, and established by an Act of law passed by the National Legislature with diverse activities and widen the scope of operation.
We will forever appreciate the Liberian Government for this legal establishment that has made us distinguishable both nationally and internationally. The government in recognition of the LNRCS’s legal establishment and important role is providing annual budgetary support to the tune of about 120,000 USD to facilitate our work.
Our Partners and support:
Our existence has been made perfect because of the bilaterally and multilaterally support we enjoy from our Movement Partners and Partners National Societies. Our partners, the ICRC, IFRC, and PNS have worked closely with us through multi-year partnerships since our establishment and admission into the Movement. Our partners have supported us to grow stronger and be better able to respond to humanitarian needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people in a sustainable way.
Support from partners has over the years covered funding, human resource, logistics, technical support to core program areas, Resource mobilization, and capacity building at all levels. Their support has transformed us and made us to be the largest national humanitarian service provider to the vulnerable people of Liberia and is committed to continuing this path of service through partnership and coordination.
Our Work and Impact:
We are part of the solution in Liberia. With neutrality and impartiality, we offer hope and support. We act as a force for positive change in communities. We work to empower vulnerable people, reduce human suffering and promote peace in all communities around the country.
With support from our Movement partners, the Liberian authorities, and other partners, we are helping more than 1.5 million people every year, building stronger communities through our services such as psycho-social, water and sanitation, community-based health care, both commercial and emergency first aid, disaster management and promoting humanitarian values and promoting humanitarian values. 
Core Activities and location:
HEALTH and CARE – the program is designed to contribute to the National efforts in building healthier and safer communities; thereby contributing to reducing the vulnerabilities and building resilient communities and empowering them to address their own priority needs related to health, injury and safety and thus mitigate the impact of diseases outbreak.
It implements health promotional activities taking into consideration disease prevention on communicable and non-communicable diseases. The LNRCS health and care program focuses on Water and Sanitation, Hygiene Promotion and Maternal New-born Child Health, community-based health program, and community-based psychosocial support and Livelihood.
Disaster Management: The ultimate goal of the Disaster Management Department is to reduce the number of deaths, injuries and impacts of disasters, emergencies and other threats to communities and vulnerable people. Therefore, the Liberian Red Cross is responding to victims of disaster and violence to meet the immediate needs of people.
As a foremost humanitarian responder, we are helping victims of disasters to put away their pains by providing relief and recovery materials and psychosocial support to rebuild their lives and gain hope. The assistance covers relief and recovery materials including food items, essential household Items, housing materials, clothing, agricultural seeds and tools.
Emergency Preparedness & Response, Restoring Family Links (RFL), Women Integration Project, Gender Equality and Human Rights in rural communities, Community-Based Recovery & Resilience-Building (CBRRBP), Ebola Recovery Project, Disaster Preparedness, International Disaster Response Law (IDRL), and Community Development Program are some of the programs we are running now.
Our Scope of operation, staff and volunteers:
We are present in the 15 counties. In all the districts we there, ready and able to response to the community in term of any emergency through our volunteer network of over 3,500 active members and 94 staff. We are working directly from our headquarters in Monrovia to our Chapter Offices, branches and communities to impact the lives of vulnerable people.
We are supporting community development and it is our commitment to continue. We are deliver quality services to the most vulnerable communities before, during and after emergency, including disasters, conflict, civil strife, epidemics and contextual social issues. As member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, our work is guided by the seven fundamental principles; humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality.
Our challenges:
As a National Society created by law with a mandate to response to the needs of the most vulnerable as well as seek to alleviate human suffering wherever it may, we have existed for 98 years now part of the solution in Liberia. With neutrality and impartiality, we offer hope and support. We act as a force for positive change in communities. We work to empower vulnerable people, reduce human suffering and promote peace in all communities around the country.
We are helping more than 1.5 million people every year, and building stronger communities but our activities have always been faced with extreme challenges especially in recent years. There are many challenges but key that requires urgent attention if the NS will last longer and stronger to deliver better services:
• Global Financial crisis and donor fatigue
• Institutional Development
• Resource Mobilization
• Diversify partnership support locally, nationally and internationally
• Limited funding from National Government
We exist because of our mission and values. A sustainable LNRCS empowering vulnerable communities through voluntary actions and is delivering integrated services without discrimination, contributing to peace and development’’. We provide humanitarian services to the vulnerable people and communities through our defined programmatic sectors- disaster management, Health & care, humanitarian values and organization development to compliment the efforts of the Government. LNRCS will strive towards having full capacity to meet the minimum standard requirements of a well-functioning National Society.
Based on the existing challenges above that appear threatening to our existence, response efforts and service delivery to the most vulnerable people, it is our humble and passionate appeal for the following:
• Provide direct budgetary line in the Annual budget to us as an independence body with a distinct national mandate to act immediately where the need exist.
• Increase our annual subvention to 1.3 million to enable us reach further and deliver better service to the most vulnerable people in putting away their pains and rebuilding their lives with hope and dignity.
• National Government should help to strengthen the capacity of LNRCS to mobilise resources nationally and locally.
• Government should support the NS and make it’s presence relevant by ending the duplication of humanitarian function in Liberia
• Government should join our campaign #acttotransform by calling for public support to humanity to give hope to the vulnerable people. ex: on world humanitarian day, or our May Month celebration or even on International volunteer day, let recognize the humanitarian situation, send message of solidarity to people in such situation, acknowledge the support of aid worker and appreciate the impact of their work, and join the campaign.

Our History

The Liberia National Red Cross Society is the single largest national humanitarian organization in Liberia. It is a Voluntary Humanitarian Organization and an auxiliary to the public authorities and the Government, delivering services to the most vulnerable in emergencies, including disasters, conflict, civil strife, ill-health, and contextual social issues. The Liberian Red Cross is represented in each of the fifteen counties by a chapter and in the districts by a branch, from which we are able to reach regional and remote communities. 

Established in 1919 and reaffirmed in 2008 by the National Legislature of the Republic of Liberia, the Liberian Red Cross has and continues to provide vital humanitarian services to vulnerable people and communities in Liberia.

The birth of the Liberian Red Cross was influenced by global historical developments back in 1919 January at the end of World War I. The late President of Liberia, Daniel E. Howard, was moved with compassion by the degree of suffering occasioned by the war and constituted a Voluntary Relief Committee as an auxiliary to the Government to raise funds and assist the war victims.

In 1922, the National Legislature of Liberia passed a joint resolution to give the committee a legal status. The Legislature in its resolution reconstituted the voluntary relief committee into what is known today as the Liberia National Red Cross Society (LNRCS). LNRCS was also admitted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as a member of the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) and Red Crescent Societies in 1959. And later in August 2008, the Liberian Red Cross became recognized by an Act of law passed by the National Legislature. 

The Liberian Red Cross has worked with communities, assisting during the conflict, supporting Liberians as we transitioned to peace, and more recently working to end the deadly Ebola outbreak. Our key strength lies in our unique ability to scale-up humanitarian and development assistance, and collaborate with all partners, by mobilizing our thousands of trained volunteers around the country.

Our volunteers are from the very communities they serve. We, therefore, have a true insight and foundation of trust across the country. Whether it is the threat of Ebola, responding to fire and other disasters, supporting livelihoods or equipping our young people with the necessary skills to thrive, the Liberian Red Cross is steadfast in its commitment to long-term humanitarian relief.

The Liberian Red Cross as the first responder in times of emergency provides immediate relief and health services to mitigate the suffering of the vulnerable population.  We are part of the solution in Liberia. With neutrality and impartiality, we offer hope and support. We act as a force for positive change in communities. We work to empower vulnerable people, reduce human suffering, promote peace, and build resilient communities everywhere for everyone. We are present in the 94 districts of the 15 counties with a strong volunteer network delivering quality services.


The Liberia National Red Cross Society has two structures –governance and Management. These two structures are both represented at the national and local levels considering gender representation. The governance is headed by the National President supported by three vice presidents and a national Treasurer who are elected at the General Assembly. The Management structure is headed by a Secretary-General who is recruited through a competitive process and given a definite contract by the Governance Board.

The LNRCS otherwise known as the National Society is governed by the Liberia National Red Cross Society 2018 revised and amended Constitution. Periodical changes are made to the Constitution on the recommendation of the Board and under the approval of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Defence. The governance structure of the Liberia National Red Cross Society consists of the following levels.


The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the National Society and is responsible for general policies, electing the National Executive Board, approving annual reports, and other activities outlined in the Constitution. The General Assembly convenes every 2 years in the month of December in an ordinary session for a mid-term review at all levels and in the fourth year for the election of new national leadership to stairs the affairs of the institution for the next four years. The GA brings together the National Executive Committee, National Executive Board, the Chapter Executive Committee, members, Management staff and volunteers, and other non-voting members including the Ministry of Health and Internal Affairs on the board. Others are including INGOs, NGOs, the UN, NEC, and the Media are often invited to witness the assembly.

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